Posts Tagged ‘stream


Rideback episode 6

Update: Torrent by Frostii: see their blogpost about it.

Torrent by SRSLY (Initially called FANSUBBING_TAKEN_SERIOUSLY):


Currently the episode can also be found at irc:// Personally I would advise the use of chatzilla for in browser irc integration, as I am not using irc too much I wouldn’t know whether this episode is actually available once the next one is released. Currently the command to request the file in is /MSG INB4RAEP XDCC SEND 10

I won’t be writing posts about raw episodes, simply because its unnecessary I guess

Aggregated list of website updates automatically collected and combined

Below there is a yahoo pipe based on page2rss monitoring systems, it also includes a google alert feed, so it will contain a lot of nonsense items, but it is the best way to keep up to date with lots of random sources concerning rideback.

RSS Automatic feed aggregation

  • An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later.